Apple issues warning for iPhone 12

    OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Although you can’t see it, the iPhone 12 has a magnetic ring. It allows it to connect to a charging base.

    Apple has since put out a warning. They say that the ring produces a magnetic field so strong that people living with a pacemaker or defibrillator should be cautious.

    “In most cases it triggers the pacemaker to stop sensing the heart. A defibrillator, it will trigger it to turn off the shock therapy, so that it wouldn’t shock the heart if needed,” Dr. Van De Graaff, a Cardiologist at Bergan Mercy, explained.

    Dr. Van De Graaff, said a pacemaker is normally placed just below the collar bone. He urges those with the medical device and the iPhone 12 to be mindful of how close the two are.

    “People have a pocket right there like I have. And if they choose to keep their phone in their pocket, that’s in close enough proximity that it can cause trouble,” he said.

    Apple suggests people keep at least a six inch distance between the two devices.

    “If it’s actually attached to the charger while it’s charging, it actually produces more of a field. So, you should keep it 12 inches away,” Dr. Van De Graaff added.

    He said if these devices come into contact with the iPhone 12, the patient will be okay, as soon as they create that distance once again.

    “Everything goes back to normal. So, you don’t reset things accidentally. So, you know if you just obey common sense. Keep it away, there’s not much to worry about,” Dr. Van De Graaff said.

    If you happen to have the latest iPhone and of the two medical devices, it’s advised that you speak with your cardiologist.

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